Rational Medicine

Medical practice, a perfect combination of art and science, is as old as mankind itself. With the spectacular advances in technology finding the way into medical practice, it is steadily turning into a business. Commercial considerations are often seen to influence decisions of investigations and treatment. Is the noble profession giving way to money spinning business? This site is a humble attempt to popularize the concept of Rational Medical Practice.

See: Algorithm for Management of Common Febrile Illnesses

ನೋಡಿ: ಜ್ವರವನ್ನುಂಟು ಮಾಡುವ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಸೋಂಕುಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಂಭದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಭಾಯಿಸುವ ಬಗೆ

News Flash
After more than a decade of struggle and Legal Wrangle, Fixed Drug Combinations Finally Banned : Govt bans 156 FDCs on Aug 2, 2024 | 34 more under scanner | Panel recommends ban on 343 fixed dose combination medicines | S Srinivasan, Dr Gopal Dabade and AIDAN, who got 329 irrational combination drugs banned | Lessons we must learn from the fixed-dose combinations fiasco
Links to Rational Medicine Resources
Choosing Tests and Procedures Wisely : choosingwisely.org | Report
The Selection and Use of Essential Medicines: Technical Report Series 946
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines – 20th Edition, March 2017 | Model List for Children 2017 – 6th List, March 2017 | 19th List April 2015
National List of Essential Medicines, India, 2015
Essential Drugs
Food, flattery, and friendship; No more free lunches and other articles BMJ 31 May 2003 (Vol 326, No 7400)
Rational Medicine: Need of the Hour
Rational Medicine Use: National Medicines Policy of Malta
Status of Rational Drug Use
Problems of Irrational Drug Use
Promoting rational prescribing: an international perspective
The Pursuit of Responsible Use of Medicines: Sharing and Learning from Country Experiences – WHO
Drug Promotion – What We Know, What We Have Yet to Learn – Reviews of Materials in the WHO/HAI Database on Drug Promotion – EDM Research Series No. 032
Rational drug use – As common as common sense? V.P. Chaturvedi et al
Concept of Essential Medicines and Rational Use in Public Health. Sitanshu Sekhar Kar et al
New use of benzodiazepines associated with increased risk of dementia [BMJ, 345, Sept, 2012]
Beta blockers may not save lives [JAMA, Oct, 2012]
No added benefits for clopidogrel with aspirin [NEJM, Aug 30, 2012]
NSAIDs Increase Cardiovascular Risk, Post MI [Circultion, Sep 2012, Full Text]
Statins May Increase Pneumonia Risk [Report]
Statins accelerate coronary artery calcification [Diabetes Care Full Text]
Side Effects Prevent Statin Use [J Clin Lipidol Abstract | Report]
Cefepime and Epilepsy Risk [FDA Statement | Report]
Azithromycin and Cardivascular Risk [NEJM Abstract | FDA Statement]
Pioglitazone Increases Bladder Cancer Risk [BMJ Full Text | Report | Report]
Misleading Erythropoetin Trials [Report]
Whistleblower Suit Claims Pioglitazone Cover-up [Report]
Safety Label Changes to Finasteride[FDA Info | Report]
Sulfonylureas and insulin may inrease risk of pancreatic cancer[AJG Article | Report | Report]
Tamiflu Data Questioned by Cochrane Review[Cochrane Review | Report]
Statins increase diabetes risk[Report | More ]
Systematic review questions efficacy of Flu vaccine [Lancet Infect Dis Full Text]

Recent reports of serious adverse events with NSAIDs:

Also See:

Updated: August 28, 2024


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